Monthly Archives: February 2019

In this video lesson, we look at the Second Conditional. When is it used? What tenses does it have? and what other words except for ‘IF’ can be found in 
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Have you done an online search to find productivity tips? If you have, you may have discovered that the authors often use idioms and specific expressions whose meaning may not 
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In this video lesson, we look at the first conditional. When is it used? What tenses does it have? and what other words except for ‘IF’ can be found in 
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The word SPRING has several meanings in English. It can be a noun, a verb and an adjective. However, when you hear the word SPRING, you most likely, think of 
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We’ve started a series of YouTube videos about Conditionals. In this video, we look at the Zero Conditional. We discuss when it is best to use it and what tense 
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