Here is a list of skills you need to master if you are planning to take the Academic IELTS test. This can give you some idea of what this exam tests and why it is important to prepare for it methodically and systematically. Think about how much time you have and make sure to arrange it so that you can practice a variety of skills every week. If you have a teacher, they will guide you and set you homework so that you cover all of these skills and get enough opportunities to practice them.



  1. Previewing a text
  2. Predicting content and structure
  3. Skimming for main ideas
  4. Scanning to find key information
  5. Intensive reading
  6. Guessing words from context.
  7. Understanding opinion and attitude


  1. Developing fluency
  2. Preparing your talk
  3. Taking effective notes
  4. Developing vocabulary
  5. Targeted grammar correction

listening SKILLS

  1. Orientating yourself to the text
  2. Listening for specific information
  3. Identifying detail
  4. Identifying main ideas
  5. Seeing beyond the surface meaning
  6. Following signpost words
  7. Being aware of stress, rhythm and intonation.

Writing Skills

Task 1

  1. Describing facts and figures
  2. Describing trends
  3. Summarizing data
  4. Describing a process

Task 2

  1. Analyzing the question
  2. Making a mind map & organizing your ideas
  3. Writing a good introduction
  4. Writing a body paragraph
  5. Using linking words & a variety of structures & vocabulary
  6. Writing a good conclusion

my students say

Dear Jasmina Thank you very much for helping me with my Academic IELTS exam. I had only one month to prepare when I came to you. I did not know anything about how to write an essay or how to answer 40 questions in 1 hour (reading part). You taught me step by step how to write an essay, how to speak confidently and loudly. Despite all of these you gave me a moral support and I am very grateful for that. You know how to teach someone and you have a lot of patience You're always full of positive energy After one month I had the exam and I achieved the score which was required YOU ARE WONDERFUL TEACHER!!!
Dear Jasmina, We had only 6 weeks to prepare for Academic IELTS exam. Although I have never written any essays in my entire life (I'm 27 now), Jasmina taught me the principles of writing and after month and a half of preparing I scored 7 at academic writing. There were times when I would lose all hope for passing the exam, when I thought that taking IELTS in so short notice was insurmountable, but Jasmina was always there with positive attitude, kind words and sincere encouragement. Without her help and guidance I doubt that I could pull that of on my own. Thank you very much Jasmina for believing in me, your help, your worm personality and for doing ordinary job extraordinarily. Best wishes, Aleksandar
Dear Jasmina, It was my pleasure that I met you and that I was your student. On your classes I learned and improved many things and I am very grateful for all of that, because of many reasons. First of all, I would like to thank you because you accepted me, even though I did not have any previous knowledge of English. All I had was willpower. Later, you showed me how to be diligent, how to organize my learning and what is important and what is less important. I followed your advice and I succeeded, I passed Ielts exam and I achieved the score which was required. In a short period you taught me from some basic things to some things which are at a very high level. Also, you taught me how to write essays and letters, how to quickly find answers to questions, how to speak and how to answer even though I don't know the answer. Furthermore, your methods of teaching are good. Moreover, you are kind and you have a lot of patience and you are fully dedicated to your students. I am pleased and very grateful because you helped me to improve my English in every field. I want you to remember, that my success is also your success and great success is always a triumph of persistence. I like you as a person and as a teacher. Thank you Jasmina ! Andrej C
I had only a month to prepare my IELTS exam and I thought that it's impossible to prepare in such short time. Luckily, I met Jasmina who helped me, with all her kindness and positivity, to turn this 'mission impossible' into a great success! 🙂 🙂 Without her I'm sure I wouldn't succeed. Jasmina, thank you for your support and knowledge you passed on me. You are a wonderful teacher!! 🙂